
Irrespective of our status as a licensee, representative or credit representative, our reputation is built on matching the appropriate product(s) to the individual’s requirements. We go to great lengths to ensure satisfaction with our services and offerings. However, there may be instances from time to time, where applicants may be dissatisfied with the outcomes of our consultation process. If you have a complaint about the service that we provide, the following steps or avenues for resolution are available to you.

Step 1

Most complaints arise from miscommunication and can usually be fixed quickly. So, please contact Rhys Dillon first and tell them about your concerns.

Step 2

If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved within 5 working days by talking with Rhys Dillon, we will apply our internal complaints process to manage your complaint appropriately. In this instance, the complaint will be internally escalated to our Complaints Officer. You may also contact the Complaints Officer directly.

Complaints Officer

Name:    Rhys Dillon
Phone:   0412650569
Email:   [email protected]
Address:  4/939 Wanneroo Road WANNEROO WA 6065

Note: In some instances your broker may also be fulfilling the role of the Complaints Officer. This will not affect the capacity to have your complaint dealt with appropriately.

By using our internal complaints process we hope to assist you to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly. The maximum timeframe in which to provide a written response to you is 45 days, although in pursuit of best practice and the reputation of our organisation, we aim to resolve these issues in a much shorter time frame.

Step 3

Although we try hard to resolve a customer’s concern in the most considerate and direct manner, if you are not completely satisfied after the above steps have been attempted, you still have other avenues available to resolve the dispute. This is then managed externally and independently.

This external dispute resolution (EDR) process is available to you, at no cost. Two EDR schemes may be listed below. This indicates that the Credit Representative and their authorising Licensee are both required to be members (independently) of an ASIC approved EDR scheme. Where a Credit Representatives EDR is displayed, please contact that EDR scheme in the first instance for complaint escalation.

EDR (Licensee)
Name: AFCA
Phone: 1800 931 678
Address: Australian Financial Complaints
Authority GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001

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